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jueves, 7 de abril de 2016

SECTION 1: Learning Diary and Final Reflection


Everything learnt during the subject "New Technologies" in the Master de Formación de Profesorado de Secundaria (Secondary Teacher Training Course) is summarised in a Learning Diary in a Word Document. Moreover, my final reflection of what it has been taught in this subject is attached in the Word Document. You can access to it by clicking on "Word Document" above, which will lead you to the shared folder in Mi Aulario where you will find the "Learning Diary and Final Reflection" Word document.

SECTION 2: Rubric


In this entry I am attaching the link to my own analytic rubric created to assess students' written compositions. Being an analytic rubric it is divided into categories and levels. Moreover, I have added some descriptors so that it can be easier for the teacher to assess or evaluate the compositions.

As well as Hot Potatoes and Excel activities, the rubric is also in the shared space of Mi Aulario. Click on "Rubric" in order to go through Mi Aulario and  see the analytic rubric and the reasons why I have chosen to do such a rubric.

SECTION 3: PPT video editing

Here I attach the PPT we have been asked to do for the portfolio. The PPT deals with "Virtual Classroom": what does it mean, a video of it, advantages and disadvantages and some suggestions for an ideal Virtual Classroom which is available in the shared folder in Mi Aulario. You can have access to it by clicking on "Virtual Classroom PPT below".



As metioned in the learning diary, in this course we have learnt to create some exercises using different programmes such as Kahoot, Quizlet and Hot Potatoes. Although in my opinion Quizlet is a better or more complete program than Hot Potatoes, I have decided to create a matching and  a cloze exercises through Hot Potatoes because of its free access. You can go through Quizlet freely too, but free creation of activities is limited.

SECTION 3: Podomatic

The third session we were introduced the Programme Podomatic wherer we can upload our own podcasts. After having some problems with the programme I have finally got to upload my podcast. It is a very short podcast which is focused from a teacher point of view. That is, I read a plot of a story and I explain what activities I would do with my students.

You can go through it by clicking on the word PODOMATIC.

SECTION 3: Evaluation-Excel Formulae

This week we have learnt one of the most important things for a teacher: to get students' final mark where not only the exam takes in to account, but also the mean of their activities, behaviour and so on. In the following EXCEL you can find two students' and their marks. These students are imaginary, they are just an example to see how formulae are done and how Excel works.

This excel called "excel_homework" is available in the  shared space in Mi Aulario. In order to go through it click on "Evaluation" below.




Silent World is the title of the digital story I have created through Powtonn, one of the digital story programmes learnt in this course. I have recorded my own voice both for the narrator and the characters, by putting different voices of course. Thus, the story is not only readable but also audible, what allows blind people or even kids who do not know to read yet to enjoy the story.

You can go through it by clicking on the title of the story (the one in capital letters).